Play Plants vs Zombies 2 on PC and enjoy this casual game from the large and gorgeous display on your PC! The botanical battle rages on. Grow powerful plants and collect strong horticultural headshots to fight the zombies.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers followed by a Peashooter. As soon as you have 4 or 5 Sunflowers, start planting Wall-nuts every time they're off cooldown. You should have a full line of Wall-nuts ready for the last wave. Have a Cabbage-pult on each lane with Tombstones. Use plant food on Wall-nuts that are about to break or on Peashooters when there are too many zombies on the lane.
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Be patient. If 1 plant is enough to kill off the incoming Zombie, don't plant anymore on the same lane. Plant Wall-nuts on the 5th line. Until you have at least 3 plants on each lane, have a couple stashed to use in rough times. Bloomerangs should be planted right behind the Wall-nuts. Use plant food on Potato Mines when there are too many zombies on multiple lanes. Use plant food on Bloomerangs only when there are hordes of zombies in front of the plant. Don't use Wall-nuts to stop Gargantaurs (the exceptionally huge zombie). They will simply smash through any plant. The best weapon against Gargantaurs is the Iceberg Lettuce. It gives a lot of time to other plants to deal good damage. Try to have a couple stashed for when a Gargantaurs shows up.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Start planting Peashooters on the lanes where the first zombies appear. As soon as you have 5 Sunflowers and 3-4 Peashooters, start planting Wall-nuts on the 5th line. If a there is a tombstone too close to your plants, use a Bloomerang instead of Peashooters for the first wave of zombies. Bloomerangs should be put as close to the Wall-nuts as possible. Use Potato Bombs in front of the Wall-nuts. Iceberg Lettuces should only be used on Explorer Zombies. It is the only way to slow them down as they simply burn through any plant in their way (regardless of health points). Once the field behind the Wall-nuts is full, start replacing Peashooters with Bloomerangs. Keep a Peashooter on the back line.
Leave the Iceberg Lettuces out for this level and take Grave Busters instead. Explorer Zombies won't be showing up but grave stones will reappear on each wave. Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Start planting Peashooters on the lanes where the first zombies appear. As soon as you have 5 Sunflowers and 3-4 Peashooters, start planting Wall-nuts on the 5th line. Use Grave Busters as soon as they are off cooldown. Focus on the front grave stones first. Use Potato Bombs in front of the Wall-nuts. Once the field behind the Wall-nuts is full, start replacing Peashooters with Bloomerangs. Keep a Peashooter on the back line. Plant food should be mainly used on damaged Wall-nuts and Peashooters when a lane is crowded with zombies.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Use the Grave Buster as soon as it goes off cooldown. Get rid of the grave stones that are closest to your plants first. Get a total of 5 Sunflowers after you've put down your first Peashooter. Plant Bonk Choy plants on the 5th line whenever you have the sun for one. The first Wall-nuts should be planted on the 6th line, on lanes where you don't have a Bong Choy yet. Once you have a full line of Bong Choys, start planting more Peashooters behind them. Plant Wall-nuts as soon as they are off cooldown until you have one on each lane. Once all the tiles behind the Wall-nuts are occupied with plants, gather 1000 sun and remove the Sunflowers. Replace them with more Peashooters. Use plant food on heavily damaged Wall-nuts.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers (3 is the max you'll need for this level). Plant them on the lanes where there are no endangered Sunflowers. Use the Grave Buster to get rid of grave stones on the 6th and 7th line. Start planting Bong Choy plants in front of the endangered Sunflowers. On the lanes with no sunflowers to protect, the Bong Choys should go next to the Sunflowers. Plant the Wall-nuts in front of the Bong Choys. Until you have a Wall-nut on each lane, save one when a huge wave is approaching. Plant the wall nut on the lane with the most zombies. Constantly plant Peashooters behind your Bong Choys. Once you have no more free tiles, remove the Sunflowers you planted earlier and replace them with more Peashooters. Use plant food on heavily damaged Wall-nuts.
Start off with 1 Twin Sunflower. Plant your first Kernel-pult when a zombie appears. Keep planting Twin Sunflowers until you have 3 or 4 (preferably 4). Keep placing Kernel-pults until you have enough sun for a Melon-pult. Use Wall-nuts to stop Conehead and Buckethead zombies. Use the Iceberg Lettuce if a zombie is getting too close. This will ensure you can save the sun for Melon-pults. Use plant food on Melon-pults or damaged Wall-nuts. If you are running low on sun, feel free to use the plant food on a Twin Sunflower.
Plants to pick: Sunflower, Wall-nut, Repeater, Grave Buster, Bong Choy, Iceberg Lettuce/Potato Mine. Start off with 2 Sunflowers. Use Grave Busters on the grave stones that are closest. Plant the first Bong Choy on the third tile wherever the first zombie shows up. Keep plant Bong Choys and use the Grave Buster whenever it is off cooldown. If you see a Conehead or a Buckethead zombie, plant a Wall-nut in front of the Bong Choy. Once you have a full line of Bong Choys, start planting Repeaters on the tougher lanes (Buckethead zombies, Pharaoh Zombies). Use Iceberg Lettuce to slow tougher zombies from damaging the Wall-nuts. Once you have 14 plants on the field start removing the Sunflowers. Be patient and see where the Repeaters will be needed before planting them. Use plant food on mainly on damaged Wall-nuts. If a Wall-nut is destroyed and you cannot plant another one in time, use the plant food on the closest Bong Choy to the zombies. Your goal is to have 5 Bong Choys and 5 Wall-nuts on each lane before the last wave. No mowers should be wasted until then, as the zombies are most likely to break through at least one of the lanes.
Plants to pick: Wall-nut, Bong Choy, Repeater, Potato Mine, Iceberg Lettuce. The first line of defense should be made of repeaters. The second line should be occupied by Potato Mines. This will give your Repeaters a chance to survive longer in case zombies break through the Wall-Nuts. The third line of defense should consist of Bong Choys followed by a line of Wall-nuts. Put an extra Potato Mine in front of Wall-nut on the second lane (south-north). This is how your initial defense should look like. Once the grave stones on the third line are destroyed, plant the last 2 Bong Choys. You should have an extra 100 sun. Save it to replace destroyed Wall-nuts. The Iceberg Lettuce is your best friend. Use it ONLY on Explorer Zombies (the ones with the torches) and in very rare occasions to prevent a zombie from destroying a wall-Nut. A wave of 3 Pharaoh Zombies followed by 5 Explorer Zombies will march forward near the end of the level. Make sure you have an extra plant food left. Plant an Ice Lettuce on a tile without a zombie on it and use the plant food. This will freeze every zombie on the screen and will burn out the Explorer Zombies' torches, saving 3 Wall-nuts for the last wave. Use 2 pieces of plant food on Damaged Wall-nuts AFTER you've used up all the sun you had left. The 3rd piece of plant food should be saved for an Iceberg Lettuce AT ALL COSTS. 25. Day 25 Plant the Wall-nuts in the middle column. Save the tiles behind the Wall-nuts for Bong Choys. If you have too many plants just plant and dig out whenever you get a Bong Choy. Save on Plant Food when you have only 1 piece. Use it only for Mummified Gargantaurs and Explorer Zombies. Don't forget about the Wall-nuts. They are very limited, so keep them safe with plant food. The Zombot will occasionally charge towards your plants and destroy everything in its way. Wall-nuts are the only thing that can prevent that so make sure you always have at least 2 of them covering each 2 lanes.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Plant the first Snapdragon on the 5th tile of the lane the first zombie appears. Plant another 2-3 Sunflowers (5 max). Plant a second Snapdragon. Make sure that the fire from the 2 Snapdragons covers the entire plank in front. Once you have 5 Sunflowers, start planting Wall-nuts along with Snapdragons. On the top lane, plant a Snapdragon 1 tile behind to make space for a Wall-nut. Snapdragons defreeze any frozen zombies with their attacks. Potato mines behind the Snapdragons are recommended for safety. Use plant food on damaged Wall-nuts and Snapdragons. Plant Repeaters on each lane except for the top one. Prioritize the lanes where Conehead and Buckethead zombies approach.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Plant your first Kernel-pult on the lane where the first zombie appears. Plant another 2-3 Sunflowers then start planting Kernel-pults along with Wall-nuts. Once you have a full line of Kernel-pults fill up the empty tiles behind the Wall-nuts with even more Kernel-pults. Once you're full, gather 200-300 sun and start removing Sunflowers to replace them with Kernel-pults. Remove only the Sunflowers on the lanes with no water. Cherry Bombs have a long cooldown. Use them on huge groups of tough zombies. Use plant food on damaged Wall-nuts.
Start off with 2-3 Sunflowers. Plant the first Snapdragon on the 5th tile of the lane the first zombie appears. Plant another 2-3 Sunflowers (5 max). Plant a Wall-nut on the 6th tile of the lane next to your first Snapdragon. Once you have 5 Sunflowers, start planting Wall-nuts on the side lanes (where the water is). Make sure you have a Kernel-pult or a Repeater there before the last wave The two lanes where the zombies walk their way to your plants, will need the most support from behind. Plant 1 Kernel-pult on each lane and the rest fill up with Repeaters. Once those two lanes are filled up with plants, remove the Sunflowers on the first tiles and replace them with more Repeaters. DO NOT remove the Sunflowers before the last wave. The Snapdragon behind the Wall-nut on the top lane can be skipped. Use plant food on damaged Wall-nuts and Snapdragons. 2ff7e9595c