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Morpheus Photo Morpher Activation Code: A Review of Features and Benefits

Writer's picture: inraldorasalnoapeminraldorasalnoapem

When you order Morpheus Photo Morpher on our website, you will receive an email which is sent instantly and automatically. This email contains importantinformation about your order such as a link to download the software and your activation code which is required to unlock the program.If you order the CD backup option during the checkout process, you will receive the software burned onto a single CD in a plastic sleeve. CDs aretypically sent the next business day and may take 7-10 days to arrive. Note that you will not receive a boxed software product, all boxgraphics on our website are for illustrative purposes only.

If you purchased a program from us on our website, you can use the locate order tool to retrieve a duplicate copyof your original order receipt email. Unfortunately, if you purchased from a reseller, even online, we may not have your records in our database,and you would need to contact that reseller directly. Please note that past versions of Morpheus Photo Morpher may not always be available for download in thefuture and newer versions will not always accept past activation codes for a free upgrade. It is your responsibility to save a copy of theappropriate download or obtain a CD of the original installer.

Morpheus Photo Morpher Activation Code

The download for Morpheus Photo Morpher is the same installer regardless of if you are using the free trial or have recently purchased.If you do not enter your activation code, the program will continue to function as a trial.Select Activate Morpheus from the Help menu and enter the activation code you received in your order receipt email.You will need to be online in order to activate, but Morpheus Photo Morpher will not otherwise need Internet accessagain.

The download and installer for Morpheus Photo Morpher is the same, regardless of the edition you purchase, such as Standard or Professional. If you simplydownloaded the same installer and reinstalled the program, it will not prompt you for a new activation code because it was already activated asyour old edition. Check Help/About Morpheus to see the current program name, version, and edition information. If you have a new activation code,all you need to do is enter it at Help/Activate Morpheus and the additional features will be unlocked.

The trial version of Morpheus Photo Morpher lets you try all of the features found inthe Standard, Professional, and Industrialeditions of the program. Toolbar buttons and menu items from higher editions may remain after you enter your activation code but they will not beaccessible unless you were to upgrade. You can hide all of these features which are not available by selecting Preferences from the Edit menu andchecking the "Hide upgradable menu options" box.


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